National Association of High School
Aviation Clubs





Has your high-school student been talking about aviation?  Do they tell you that they are interested in exploring aviation as a career option or a hobby?  Are you at a loss for good, solid information with which to help your child to decide if it’s really what he or she wants?  If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then you’ve come to the right place.

The National Association of High School Aviation Clubs (NAHSAC) can help you to help your daughter or son to discover for herself or himself how reality compares to her or his dreams.  NAHSAC was established, and is supported, by aviation organizations that have a vested interest in helping high-school students to pursue their aviation dreams.  NAHSAC is a dedicated member of the aviation-industry team that is working to address a looming challenge to our industry—the need for thousands of new people to replace the current surge in retirements and satisfy the critical personnel requirements of an expanding aviation industry.

The aviation organizations that are supporting NAHSAC include:

The National Association of High School Aviation Clubs (NAHSAC) can help you to help your child to explore his/her interest in aviation through free online education, club meetings, events and field trips to aviation facilities.